Kari Sayur Campur - Malaysian mixed vegetable curry - Vegetarian (vegan!)

Curry powder recipe @ http://spicehunt.blogspot.com/2011/03/home-made-malaysian-curry-powder.html

Dish recipe inspired by http://food52.com/recipes/17441-kari-sayur sans the hard to come by ingredients galangal and lemon grass

Picture credit: http://d2k9njawademcf.cloudfront.net/indeximages/26171/original/DSC_0038.JPG?1380091066

2 medium onions (preferably red)
4-5 pods of garlic
2-3 inch piece of ginger
green chillies (optional - per taste)
3-4 tsp curry powder
1.5 cans coconut milk
Mixed vegetables: 1 red bell pepper, 1 med red onion, 3-4 small eggplant, 2 carrots sliced thin, snap peas, brocolli, beans, 1-2 tomatoes - all cut into big chumks
1 pack tofu (I used soft, not firm)
2-3 tsp brown sugar
Oil for sauteeing (preferably cold pressed sesame)
Hot sauce on the side for customizing spiciness
Cilantro - for garnish

Mince/grind 2 onion, garlic, ginger and chillies (if using) with a little water.
Heat oil and sautee this paste until oil starts separating from the mix. Adding a little salt during this process speeds it up.
Add curry powder and saute it for a few more min until the rawness of the spices disappears.
Add coconut milk and the vegetables that take longest to cook - carrots, onion, eggplant, beans. Simmer until somewhat soft. Then continue adding vegetables until all are cooked al-dante.
Add sugar and balance of salt as needed.
Garnish with cilantro

A little lemon zest (one lemon) could be used as a substitute for lemon grass. The curry tastes divine w/out it, so skipped it this time.


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